Speaker:Dr. Lam Yuen Yu (Kwong Wah Hospital)
Paper Title: The development of paediatric service in Kwong Wah Hospital



The official opening of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) was in October 1911. Being part of the Tung Wah Hospitals, which has a strong link with traditional Chinese medicine, the establishment of Kwong Wah Hospital marked the start of a cultural change to western medicine and modern hospital management.

Paediatric specialty did not exist when the hospital first started service. In 1915, KWH employed an experienced midwife to take charge of deliveries and started its western obstetric service. In 1929, it was decided by the board to set up paediatric service in the corner of delivery ward to take care of babies under 6 months old free of charge. When this baby care service started, only 3 patients attended in that month. The attendance rapidly expanded and by the end of 1929, more than 1700 babies received care in the center. In the same year, the total delivery was around 2000. I t showed the great demand of newborn service in that era.

A new paediatric ward was built in 1953 when the hospital underwent major refurbishment and since then the development of paediatric service has been progressing. At present, the service covers from newborn to 16 years old with in-patient and out-patient service. There are 139 in-patient beds including 10 neonatal intensive and 5 paediatric intensive beds. There are close to 6000 deliveries per year and we have 44 special baby care beds. Continuous development of service has led to opening of intensive care units for both babies and all ages of children, respiratory care ward, neurology care beds, endoscopy center and sleep diagnostic service. The support and donation from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals have helped tremendously in the development of services in the past years.

Despite the governance of Kwong Wah Hospital by the Hospital Authority, the tradition and background of charity service in this hospital has been maintained. There is financial support from the TWGHs to maintain a free outpatient service, which is unique among other HA hospitals. Different community services have also been organized and a community Well Child Clinic was set up. This has made the paediatric health service provided more holistic and comprehensive.

Another characteristic in health service of Kwong Wah Hospital is its close collaboration with Chinese Medicine. In paediatrics, integrated Chinese and Western medicine has been used in management of patients with respiratory and neurological diseases and collaborative research is also carried out. With the redevelopment project of Kwong Wah Hospital, Chinese medicine is also a major part in future service development.